From the initial stages of data ingest and acquisition in production, to post-production and VFX, and finally to delivery and archive, Symply offers a comprehensive range of storage options; RAID, LTO, Cloud, on-premise S3 object storage, and shared storage appliances.
Solutions include: SymplySPARK high-performance Thunderbolt 3 shuttle RAID, the first of its kind to incorporate Seagate’s MACH.2 multi-actuator hard drive technology in SPARK XT models.
Redefined LTO backup and archive solutions that provide the widest choice in model configuration and offer native Thunderbolt 3, SAS,or 10Gb Ethernet connectivity. SymplyWORKSPACE XE is an innovation combining the ease of NAS with the benefits of SAN for collaborative workflows on location or in-facility.
S3 cloud-native edge-appliance SymplyTRANSPORTER provides highly secure, erasure-code-protected storage that is impervious to attack.
SymplyAURA is an S3 cloud-native appliance that offers elastic content protection for on-premises private cloud and highly scalable media repository. And the latest addition SymplyPRO XTL LTO library solutions have been engineered to suit all requirements from small compact entry-level libraries to enterprise-class tape libraries with SAS, Fibre Channel, and uniquely Ethernet, and Thunderbolt 3 connectivity.