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Spectra Logic

Backup & Archiving, Enterprise Solutions, Shared Storage
Data Management & Storage Solutions for a Hybrid Cloud World
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Spectra Logic develops and markets a full range of data management and storage solutions for a hybrid-cloud world. Spectra helps organizations manage, migrate, store, and preserve business data long-term, along with providing features to make ransomware resilient, whether on-premises, in a single cloud, across multiple clouds, or in all locations at once.

End-to-End Solutions

Spectra Digital Archive
For Data at Scale for Long-Term Data Preservation

Spectra Digital Archive provides digital preservation for Data at Scale. This modern solution offers flexible options for active and long-term archive requirements, making moving data to the most appropriate storage tier easy and efficient while optimizing cost and power consumption. With Spectra Digital Archive, you can enjoy hassle-free data management and cost savings from a company trusted by the largest organizations in the world.

Spectra On-Prem Glacier Solutions
Hybrid Cloud S3 Disk and Tape Storage

Spectra On-Prem Glacier solutions offer organizations a range of options for cost-effective long-term data storage. As organizations consider how they utilize the cloud for backup and archiving, a hybrid strategy is emerging as the most cost-effective and secure solution. Compatible with Standard S3 and Amazon S3 Glacier, you can easily create a secure on-prem storage infrastructure.

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